Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winner Announced: Design a Better Food Pyramid - Food - GOOD

Winner Announced: Design a Better Food Pyramid - Food - GOOD

The federal government updates its dietary guidelines every five years. Over the years, the guidelines have lead to the Basic Four Food Groups and the Improved American Food Guide Pyramid.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Women's Calorie Calculator - Good Resource

As I was searching for some information for a diabetes education class that I am preparing for, I found a great resource to calculate calorie needs and to help you to determine how much you need to increase or decrease your calorie intake to loose or gain weight.  This tool also includes customized recommendations for calculating the number of calories you can burn if you exercise.

If you have other great tools that you use for yourself or patients who are working to maintain and gain an healthy lifestyle, please share them!

Thank you!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Health Eating: 10 tips to Help You Eat Smarter

For the average person looking to lose 10, 20 and 30 pounds, it's all about finding the right tools and leveraging them, to help curb emotional eating or poor dietary habits. Fad diets don't work long term because they ask too much of the person. But small practical changes do work.
Here are some simple tools from Dr. Michael A. Snyder, weight loss surgeon, for losing weight and keeping it off that I have seen work time and time again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Patients' voices needed on hospital quality site, doctors say - White Coat Notes -

Patients' voices needed on hospital quality site, doctors say - White Coat Notes -

Not familiar with the government's Hospital Compare website? You're not alone. You and 94 percent of Americans are unacquainted with the quality reporting site set up by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Two doctors from Baystate Medical Center in Springfield argue that more people would find their way to the website if their feedback on the care they receive was included.

Patients do get their say on what it's like to be a hospital patient, from how noisy or clean their room was to how well staff communicate with them. Part of Hospital Compare is culled from patient satisfaction surveys.

Compare your hospital here:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nutrition Tips for Kids --

Nutrition Tips for Kids --

Nutrition Tips for Kids

Why is healthy eating important for my child?

Many more children in the United States are being diagnosed with high cholesterol, or as overweight or obese. These conditions can cause many health problems for your child such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions can affect your child now and later as an adult.

By helping your child establish a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can reduce his or her risk of experiencing these health problems. Click the link above to learn more.

Dear BrighterSolutions Friends,

This is a really great site by a respected organization. Check it out and let us know what questions you have or share the great stuff you learn.



Making Mealtime A Healthy Family Affair

Making Mealtime A Healthy Family Affair

..Leading by example is one of the best forms of encouragement you can provide. Whenever possible you can also involve your kids -- even teenagers -- in planning and preparing meals. Once they are invested in the process, they are more likely to enjoy their food. Join the discussion about ways to increase healthy behaviors at home at:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MeYou Health show how a brand can engage consumers and empower them to change their lifestyle through the innovative use of social media. Read more here

In U.S., Obesity Levels Remain High but Stable in 2010

In U.S., Obesity Levels Remain High but Stable in 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- American adults are more likely to be at an unhealthy weight than they are to be at a normal weight, with a combined 62.6% either overweight (36.0%) or obese (26.6%). But obesity levels are steady so far in 2010, with the percentage of Americans who were obese in the third quarter of this year on par with the previous two quarters. Read More Here

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sharing | LinkedIn

Sharing | LinkedIn

Mobile Health Apps Are on the Rise: Tech News « · Found via Nicole Kidd

Mobile health examines the behavioral changes that occur as new technologies advance our health care system worldwide. Quite often, these changes are due to an increasing proliferation of mobile health apps, from fitness and nutr... Edit

Monday, October 11, 2010

Engage to Change: The Power of Our Social Networks, Online and Off

Engage to Change: The Power of Our Social Networks, Online and Off

Nowadays many a friendship originates online. With so many tools and websites one click away, it seems intuitive to strike up conversations with people you’ve never met, post your thoughts on forums and join social networks that allow you to meet like-minded people.

No matter what stage of physical activity you’re at, social support encourages exercise in most of us. It’s definitely harder to make excuses and avoid the activity when you have a commitment with a friend. Walking together also makes the time go more quickly, the exertion easier – and you may find that you walk farther than if you were going solo. It’s a total win-win: Your body’s up and moving, and you’re spending time with someone you like. Read more...
Repost from Me You Health.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Affordable Care Act offers you more protections and options - Pregnant Women | Information for You |

Pregnancy is an exciting time. You’re busy taking care of yourself and preparing for the arrival of your child. Worrying about health insurance and the cost of care is the last thing you want to do. The expands your options for health insurance and makes them more affordable. Read more: The Affordable Care Act offers you more protections and options - Pregnant Women | Information for You |

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A lesson from Mom: Don't be a 'good' patient -

Elizabeth Cohen shows you four powerful lessons that could save your life and the lives of those you love. Don't miss "Empowered Patient," 7 p.m. ET Saturday and Sunday on CNN. Watch more about Elizabeth Cohen's "Empowered Patient" book. Read more at: A lesson from Mom: Don't be a 'good' patient -

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wellness coaching is where the employment is | ZDNet

Your Health Coach will see you now!

What we have lacked in America’s health system is lifelong communication. We get it when we’re young from our pediatrician, our teachers, our parents. But we lose access to it, we make mistakes, and many of us don’t even start to change until it’s too late.

Change that, and you will not only bend the health care cost curve, you are going to bring a lot of people into a fulfilling lifetime career. Read more at: Wellness coaching is where the employment is | ZDNet

If you are interested in your own personal health coach, join us at or send a message to

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brain cells -- not lack of willpower -- determine obesity, study finds

Article Reads: 'We discovered that a high-fat diet caused brain cells to become insulated from the body, rendering the cells unable to detect signals of fullness to stop eating," Professor Cowley said.

"Secondly, the insulation also created a further complication in that the body was unable to detect signals to increase energy use and burn off calories/kilojoules."

Brain cells -- not lack of willpower -- determine obesity, study finds

My Health Hometown Tip:
All the more reason to have a plan and the support you need from friends and professionals to help you achieve your goal. We can help you learn how to eat the right amount and kinds of foods and to exercise in a way that is right for you.

What is one thing that you think would help you achieve your goal?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Little Changes That Add Up to a Healthy Diet

Little Changes That Add Up to a Healthy Diet

More thoughts from "Eat this Not That!". Very simple, practical and good!.

Detroit, Cincinnati land Beacon Community grants | Healthcare IT News

Detroit, Cincinnati land Beacon Community grants | Healthcare IT News

The Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, which will receive $13.8 million over three years, and its partners will deploy its health information exchange to create new quality improvement and care coordination initiatives for patients with pediatric asthma and adult diabetes. One initiative will be focused on smoking cessation.

How exciting! Our beloved Cincinnati just won a grant for $13.8 Million to help our community improve the health of children with asthma and adult diabetes (health IT will be a corner stone of making this work!)

Want to get involved? Set-up a small group of friends to walk regularly in one of our beautiful parks. If you are interested, let me know. I'll help organize and definitely join you!

Inspire, Encourage, Empower Health!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

IT Conversations | Tech Nation | Aaron Blackledge

IT Conversations | Tech Nation | Aaron Blackledge

Dr. Blackedge's Care Practice is a mover and shaker in today's healthcare environment... Listen to what he has to say about "The Everyday Problems that People have Accessing Primary Care".

Saturday, August 7, 2010

american-average-food-consumption1.jpg (950×1742)

american-average-food-consumption1.jpg (950×1742)

Many people underestimate what we eat. Check out the real/ rest of the story....

Great new tool from Joslin Diabetes Center to help you make healthier choices when grocery shopping. Would love to hear how you make your choices now, what you look for, and what you think of the guide.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett: religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas [from American Public Media]

Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett: religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas [from American Public Media]

Great pod cast called "Listening Generously" Healing Stories of Rachel Naomi Remen. Our love and our stories have a healing impact even between Doctors and Patients.

Don't know yet how to share podcasts directly. If you can help, let me know.

Personal Health - Skin Infections Can Spread Like Wildfire at the Gym -

Personal Health - Skin Infections Can Spread Like Wildfire at the Gym -

When you go to the gym, do you wash your hands before and after using the equipment? Bring your own regularly cleaned mat for floor exercises? Shower with antibacterial soap and put on clean clothes immediately after your workout? Use only your own towels, razors, bar soap, water bottles? Take steps to protect yourself...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Low-fat, or low-carb? That is the question – Paging Dr. Gupta - Blogs

Over the years there's been a lot of debate between low-fat and low-carb diets- which one is the healthiest for you? Which one works the best? Now a study out of Temple University's Center for Obesity Research and Education, finds that both diets help people lose weight, but the low-carb diet seemed to raise the HDL or good cholesterol in the body... read more by clicking below

Monday, July 26, 2010

APOD: 2010 July 25 - Happy People Dancing on Planet Earth

APOD: 2010 July 25 - Happy People Dancing on Planet Earth

Laughter is the best medicine. We have all heard that, right?! Attached is a video that hopefully will at least make you smile. For some it may make you want to dance too. For others, you may feel something even deeper. Take a minute and enjoy the fun. Your smile, joy, and laughter will be appreciated even if know one can hear or see you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gadgets Help Digital Crowd Take Health Into Their Own Hands - CNBC

Gadgets Help Digital Crowd Take Health Into Their Own Hands - CNBC

Great article on the future of health gadget and how they can impact our health and our pocket books in the long term.

What "gadgets" are you using to manage your health? Tell us about it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ahhh, Summer Time

Summer time is a wonderful time to enjoy the great outdoors and to focus on getting fit.  It is the easiest time of the year to get healthy. Tons of fresh fruits and vegetables are everywhere.  The heat makes us desire lighter fresher foods.  So many fun outdoor activities.  And it is more difficult to hide those extra pounds that we have been meaning to shed.  So, how can you get started.  Key is to just start.  Making small changes can go a very long way.  Replacing even just one sugary beverage a day with water will help to reduce the calories that you consume.  Add on a brisk walk in the morning or evening and you have just burned a few more calories.
What will be your first step?  We'd love to hear your thoughts.  Share below or send them directly to me at: .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The psychology of food cravings

It may be possible to use cognitive tasks to reduce food cravings. What do you think. Can you imagine that chocolate looks disgusting and be disgusted by it? It's worth a shot! Let me know how it works for you.

The psychology of food cravings

Thursday, May 13, 2010

12 Easy Ways to Estimate Serving Sizes: Men's Health Lists:

I am usually not one to post from magazines like "Men's Health", but they may be changing my mind with this one. Check it out and let me know what you think?

12 Easy Ways to Estimate Serving Sizes: Men's Health Lists:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Many Pregnant Women Not Getting Enough Vitamin D

Many Pregnant Women Not Getting Enough Vitamin D

If you or someone you know is thinking about getting pregnant, make sure you are getting enough vitamin D.
Vitamin D - more important in more ways than we knew. Make sure you are getting enough...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Doctor Visits Lead to Legal Help With Day-to-Day Problems -

Doctor Visits Lead to Legal Help With Day-to-Day Problems -

Great stuff happening right here in Cincinnati. It is so refreshing to see challenges to our community members at greatest risk are being addressed in a "real" way.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

If you believe it is, it is!

Abe Lincoln said - "Whether you think you can or you can't, your right."  

My sister Tracy recently recommended (to put it mildly) for our family to read a book called "Amazing Grace" by David Wolfe and Nick Good.  

My Dad read it and loved it.  He and now had my Mom sing "it's the most wonderful day ever" every day on the way to work.  (Just a song they made up.)

My sister told me so much about the book and also read several passages to me.  I felt like I got most of what I needed to out of it, but then she sent the book to me and she kept encouraging me to read.

The first time I picked-up the book and started reading it and was reminded of how important it is to create the life that we want.  It was during a recent flight.  

The morning before I was flying, I took a few precious minutes to ground myself and reconnect through prayer and meditation.  The prayer was a Baha'i prayer and one part said ... "Bestow upon me a hear which, like unto a glass, may be illumined with the light of Thy love, and confer upon me thoughts which may change this world into a rose garden through the outpourings of heavenly grace."

The whole day was filled with fantastic and amazing examples of when you have the right attitude and believe that great things will happen, they do.  There were multiple examples, no lines at the airport, airport staff that were so helpful and nice, extra points for doing something nice for someone which turned out even better for me!

So, back to the book.  As you know, there are a few times during a flight when you can't have your computer or   Blackberry on, I use those times to read magazines or books.  I brought my sisters recommendation.  It was incredible; the part that I read in the book completely confirmed the things that had happened that day.  It's all about believing in goodness/ greatness of people, God, and the Universe for wonderful things to happen, and they do!

David Wolfe is also a very big proponent of writing things down and journaling and so I am.  There is a section is his book about how to write great goals.  I started trying it and it really works.  An example of a goal that he recommends (the style not the actual goal is: I am always at the best weight ever for myself and I instantly achieve and maintain that weight in any situation forever." 

Give it a try and let us know if how it works for you!  

Remember, we can achieve greatness together!  

Independent people working collectively in unity!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

People working together independently!

Each of us has the opportunity to make a lasting difference for all of us.

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation." Robert F. Kennedy
(Quote found in The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gene test claims to show what diet works best

Diet not working? Blame your genes. That's the pitch behind a new test that claims to show whether people will do better on a low-fat or a low-carbohydrate weight loss plan.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

ScienceDaily: Weight Loss Weapon -- Carb-cutting Enzyme Stopped By Bean Extract, Endocrinologists Say

sunnie ( has sent you a link to the following page on ScienceDaily:

Weight Loss Weapon -- Carb-cutting Enzyme Stopped By Bean Extract, Endocrinologists Say

UCLA researchers have found an extract in white kidney beans may help the body stop carbs from breaking down into sugars. A digestive enzyme in the body normally acts like scissors, literally cutting starches into little sugars. Phase 2 stops the enzyme from cutting, so the starches stay in the body as long fibers and are burned off quicker. Patients in the clinical studies who took Phase 2 lost body fat, not lean muscle.

* Note: the sender's email address has not been verified.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Let Your Light Shine!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa,

1994 inaugural speech

The Coastal Post - December, 1995