Monday, October 25, 2010

Nutrition Tips for Kids --

Nutrition Tips for Kids --

Nutrition Tips for Kids

Why is healthy eating important for my child?

Many more children in the United States are being diagnosed with high cholesterol, or as overweight or obese. These conditions can cause many health problems for your child such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions can affect your child now and later as an adult.

By helping your child establish a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can reduce his or her risk of experiencing these health problems. Click the link above to learn more.

Dear BrighterSolutions Friends,

This is a really great site by a respected organization. Check it out and let us know what questions you have or share the great stuff you learn.



Making Mealtime A Healthy Family Affair

Making Mealtime A Healthy Family Affair

..Leading by example is one of the best forms of encouragement you can provide. Whenever possible you can also involve your kids -- even teenagers -- in planning and preparing meals. Once they are invested in the process, they are more likely to enjoy their food. Join the discussion about ways to increase healthy behaviors at home at:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MeYou Health show how a brand can engage consumers and empower them to change their lifestyle through the innovative use of social media. Read more here

In U.S., Obesity Levels Remain High but Stable in 2010

In U.S., Obesity Levels Remain High but Stable in 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- American adults are more likely to be at an unhealthy weight than they are to be at a normal weight, with a combined 62.6% either overweight (36.0%) or obese (26.6%). But obesity levels are steady so far in 2010, with the percentage of Americans who were obese in the third quarter of this year on par with the previous two quarters. Read More Here

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sharing | LinkedIn

Sharing | LinkedIn

Mobile Health Apps Are on the Rise: Tech News « · Found via Nicole Kidd

Mobile health examines the behavioral changes that occur as new technologies advance our health care system worldwide. Quite often, these changes are due to an increasing proliferation of mobile health apps, from fitness and nutr... Edit

Monday, October 11, 2010

Engage to Change: The Power of Our Social Networks, Online and Off

Engage to Change: The Power of Our Social Networks, Online and Off

Nowadays many a friendship originates online. With so many tools and websites one click away, it seems intuitive to strike up conversations with people you’ve never met, post your thoughts on forums and join social networks that allow you to meet like-minded people.

No matter what stage of physical activity you’re at, social support encourages exercise in most of us. It’s definitely harder to make excuses and avoid the activity when you have a commitment with a friend. Walking together also makes the time go more quickly, the exertion easier – and you may find that you walk farther than if you were going solo. It’s a total win-win: Your body’s up and moving, and you’re spending time with someone you like. Read more...
Repost from Me You Health.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Affordable Care Act offers you more protections and options - Pregnant Women | Information for You |

Pregnancy is an exciting time. You’re busy taking care of yourself and preparing for the arrival of your child. Worrying about health insurance and the cost of care is the last thing you want to do. The expands your options for health insurance and makes them more affordable. Read more: The Affordable Care Act offers you more protections and options - Pregnant Women | Information for You |

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A lesson from Mom: Don't be a 'good' patient -

Elizabeth Cohen shows you four powerful lessons that could save your life and the lives of those you love. Don't miss "Empowered Patient," 7 p.m. ET Saturday and Sunday on CNN. Watch more about Elizabeth Cohen's "Empowered Patient" book. Read more at: A lesson from Mom: Don't be a 'good' patient -

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wellness coaching is where the employment is | ZDNet

Your Health Coach will see you now!

What we have lacked in America’s health system is lifelong communication. We get it when we’re young from our pediatrician, our teachers, our parents. But we lose access to it, we make mistakes, and many of us don’t even start to change until it’s too late.

Change that, and you will not only bend the health care cost curve, you are going to bring a lot of people into a fulfilling lifetime career. Read more at: Wellness coaching is where the employment is | ZDNet

If you are interested in your own personal health coach, join us at or send a message to