Nutrition Tips for Kids
Why is healthy eating important for my child?
By helping your child establish a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can reduce his or her risk of experiencing these health problems. Click the link above to learn more.
Healthy tips and information from friends and experts! · Found via Nicole Kidd
Mobile health examines the behavioral changes that occur as new technologies advance our health care system worldwide. Quite often, these changes are due to an increasing proliferation of mobile health apps, from fitness and nutr... Edit
What we have lacked in America’s health system is lifelong communication. We get it when we’re young from our pediatrician, our teachers, our parents. But we lose access to it, we make mistakes, and many of us don’t even start to change until it’s too late.
Change that, and you will not only bend the health care cost curve, you are going to bring a lot of people into a fulfilling lifetime career. Read more at: Wellness coaching is where the employment is | ZDNet
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