Saturday, November 21, 2009

Healthcare debate terms decoded

FACTBOX-Glossary of terms in us healthcare debate: Nov 21 (Reuters) - The debate over US healthcare reform is full ...
Trying to add google tracking codes to include with google anayltics. Let's see if this works...


Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Health Hometown - your connection to health at home and in person!

My Health Hometown is a system of tools and resources built to help you better manage your health.  It's different because it will combine on-line tools and resources (content, chats, tweets, blogs, etc.) with live and in-person meetings in your "hometown". 

The first in the series is in Cincinnati (becuase it's where I live). 

If you are interested in joining us for a meeting in Cincinnati, post a comment or contact me at:

If you want to help start a health revolution in your "hometown", let's connect to one another and we'll get the ball rolling! (

Focusing on the "good" in who we are and what we do!

Brighter Solutions for your Health. Start today!

Today we started Brighter Solutions for Health!

This is a health community that will provide online content, live and virtual meetings to help improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit by focusing on being good to our ourselves. Can you image a program that at the end of the day as you lie a wake thinking about whether or not you accomplished your goals, that you can name more good than bad?! A program that you are not beating yourself-up about becuase you ate one piece of candy, but because you took the stairs one time instead of the elevator you feel great!

We are going to build each other-up. Focus on the greatness in each of us and all the things that we do right. Eventually, we'll spend some much of our thoughts and our energy on doing things that make us feel good, there won't be any time to spend on the things that make us feel bad!

Join us today in our quest to fill our lives with good!

Sign-up at: